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How do users like your App?
Based on the reviews, we will be able to tell you where you are doing well

🤩 Customer Love This About You

51% of the reviews of Twitch app are positive. Customers express their appreciation for the app's content, educational value, and its ability to connect them with their favorite streamers. They also appreciate the ability to edit clips on the mobile app, as well as the detailed reports and streaming guides provided by Twitch. Customers also enjoy the free streaming service, as well as the communities they can find on Twitch. However, some customers have complained about ads being too loud and some bugs in the app. Overall, customers are satisfied with Twitch's features and services.

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😞 Customer Are Not Happy With

41% of the reviews of the Twitch app are negative. Customers express
dissatisfaction with the app's performance, features, and user experience. Common complaints include frequent crashing, lagging, buffering, and stuttering; intrusive ads; lack of features; difficulty navigating the UI; and missing notifications. Other issues include problems with clips, emotes, ads, and account verification. Customers also report that they are charged more for subscriptions and bits on mobile than on PC. Overall, customers are unhappy with the current state of the app and have requested that Twitch fix these issues to improve their experience.

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No app is perfect... but where do I need to improve?
Our PDF will also list out some main issues that your users are facing
Listen to your customers' voices
Based on the summary, some direct quotes from your customers are selected to give you a better idea on what their paint points are
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Let the graphs talk
Combining the quantitative data with your qualitative feedback to better assist you and your data-driven product
Feedback highlights
We will provide you with both the highlights of positive and negative experiences so you are aware of your customer experiences

Online Experience • Updates

1. The new updates have caused a significant decrease in the quality of the streaming experience, with many customers reporting lag, stuttering, flickering, and low-quality video.

2. The new updates have caused a significant decrease in the quality of the streaming experience, with many customers reporting lag, stuttering, flickering, and low-quality video.

3. Customers are disappointed that the updates have removed features they previously enjoyed, such as being able to minimize the app while listening or having access to chat on VODs.

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Company growth
we recognize the crucial role that growth plays in achieving your company goals. As such, we dedicate this section of the PDF, which highlights any notable developments that have occurred in the past two months

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